Grŵp Trawsbleidiol ar Diabetes

Cross Party Group on Diabetes

26.04.23. 12:30 – 13:30


Cadeirydd | Chair: Jayne Bryant AS

Is-gadeirydd | Vice Chair: Rhun ap Iorwerth AS

Ysgrifennydd | Secretary:  Diabetes UK Cymru, Mathew Norman, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr




Time | Amser




1.      Cyflwyniadau

1.      Introductions


2.      Materion yn codi o gyfarfod 18 Ionawr.

2.      Matters arising from 18th of January meeting.  


3.      Cyflwyniad rhaglen diabetes pediatrig SEREN.

3.      SEREN paediatric diabetes programme Presentation.


4.      C&A

4.      Q&A


5.      Canlyniadau Arolwg Diabetes is Serious. Diabetes UK Cymru.

5.      Diabetes is Serious Survey Results. Diabetes UK Cymru.   


6.      UFA

6.      AOB


7.      Cloi

7.      Close


1.      Cyflwyniadau | Introductions (5 mun)


·         Ymddiheuriadau

Jayne Bryant AS – Salwch

Rhun ap Iorwerth AS

Peredur Owen Griffiths AS

Rose Stewart

Rachel Burr

Sarah Crowley

Sarah Williamson

Scott Crawley

Neica Jones

Joanne Oliver


·         Cyflwyniad cyflym gan y rhai’n bresennol.


Nodir y cytunodd Joel James AS i gadeirio’r cyfarfod.

·         Apologies

Jayne Bryant MS – Unwell.

Rhun ap Iorwerth MS

Peredur Owen Griffiths MS

Rose Stewart

Rachel Burr

Sarah Crowley

Sarah Williamson

Scott Crawley

Neica Jones

Joanne Oliver


·         Quick introduction by attendees.  


Note Joel James MS agreed to Chair the Meeting.


2.      Materion yn codi o'r cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 18 Ionawr 2023|Matters arising from 18th of January meeting (10 mun)


·         Ymateb a gafwyd i'r llythyr a anfonwyd at y Dirprwy Weinidog Lynne Nealge AS i dynnu sylw at ganlyniadau'r arolwg / ymchwil i gefnogi galwadau am fynediad pellach ac ymwybyddiaeth o wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru.

·         At ei gilydd, mae'r newyddion yn gadarnhaol mewn ymateb i Arolwg Diabetes UK ac adroddiad Missing to Mainstream gan Dr Rose Stewart, nododd y Dirprwy Weinidog bod Grŵp Gweithredu Cymru Gyfan ar gyfer Diabetes wedi comisiynu Rhaglen Addysg Diabetes Caergrawn am rai blynyddoedd sydd â modiwlau hefyd ar iechyd meddwl mewn diabetes. Byddant yn ystyried gyda’r arweinydd clinigol a ellir hyrwyddo hyn ymhellach ar draws grwpiau proffesiynol ehangach gofal iechyd, a sut y gellir gwneud hyn.

·         Llythyr a anfonwyd at y Gweinidog Iechyd, Eluned Morgan AS, i dynnu sylw at Adroddiad Catherine Washbrook-Davies, Arweinydd Maeth a Deieteg Cymru Gyfan ar gyfer Diabetes, ar Wasanaeth Lleddfu Cymru Gyfan – Gohebiaeth a Gafwyd.

Mae hwn yn ddarn arall o newyddion da, wrth i’r Gweinidog sôn y gallai fod rhywfaint o gyllid, naill ai mynediad ato ar gyfer rhaglenni fel hyn neu y bydd rhaglenni fel y rhain yn parhau. Mae'n datgan “In June I expect to publish the Quality Statement for Diabetes, which includes commitments for the continued development of diabetes remission services. I hope to say more about this to the Senedd on the day of publication.”

·         Cylch Gorchwyl Ymchwiliad y Grŵp

Mae'r Grŵp Trawsbleidiol bellach mewn cyfnod ymchwiliad, mae'r cylch gorchwyl ar gyfer yr ymchwiliad wedi'i anfon at bawb yn y cyfarfod hwn. Nod yr ymchwiliad yw casglu a chrynhoi tystiolaeth ar gyflwr diabetes yng Nghymru, pa mor gyffredin ydyw a’r prosesau gofal. Nod y Grŵp fydd ysgrifennu adroddiad a gaiff ei gyhoeddi ar Ddiwrnod Diabetes y Byd ar 14 Tachwedd. Gobeithio (gan mai dim ond 6 mis ymlaen llaw y mae tîm y Senedd yn ei ganiatau i awdurdodi archebion), y byddwn yn cael ein derbyniad gyda'r nos lle bydd Jayne Bryant, AS, fel Cadeirydd y Grŵp yn noddi’r digwyddiad.


·         Response received from the letter sent to the Deputy Minister Lynne Nealge MS to highlight the survey/research results to support calls for further access and awareness of mental health services in Wales.

·         Overall, the news is positive in response to DUKs Survey and the Missing to Mainstream Report by Dr Rose Stewart, the Deputy Minister noted that The All-Wales Diabetes Implementation Group has commissioned the Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme for a few years which also has modules on mental health in diabetes. They will consider with the clinical lead whether and how this can be further promoted across wider healthcare professional groups.

·         Letter sent to the Health Minister Eluned Morgan MS to highlight the Catherine Washbrook-Davies, All Wales Nutrition & Dietetic Lead for Diabetes Report on the All-Wales Remission Service – Correspondence Received. This is another piece of good news, as the Minister indicates that there could be some funding, either access to it for programmes like these or that programmes like these will continue. She states “In June I expect to publish the Quality Statement for Diabetes, which includes commitments for the continued development of diabetes remission services. I hope to say more about this to the Senedd on the day of publication.”

·         CPG Inquiry Terms of Reference

The Cross Party Group is now in an inquiry phase, the terms of reference for the inquiry has been sent to all in this meeting. The aim of the inquiry is to collect and gather evidence on the state of diabetes in Wales, its prevalence and care processes. The aim of the CPG will be to write a report which will be published on World Diabetes Day on November 14th.  Hopefully (as the Senedd team only allows 6 months ahead to authorise bookings), we will be allocated our evening reception where Jayne Bryant, MS, as Chair of the CPG will be the sponsor.


3.      Cyflwyniad rhaglen diabetes pediatrig SEREN | SEREN paediatric diabetes programme 2023 (20 mun)

·         Cyflwyniad gan Claire Baker, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro ar y Rhaglen SEREN.

·         Yn cyflwyno gyda hi, mae

·         Yvonne Davies-

·         Dr Nirupa D'Souza,

·         Dr Rebekah Pryce


Ymunodd Nia Elias, mam Gruff Pugh â ni'n rhithiol. Bu'n rhannu ei phrofiadau yn Gymraeg; Trefnwyd cyfieithu ar y pryd ar gyfer y rhai nad ydynt yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg.


Nododd y cyflwyniad (a fydd yn cael ei rannu â’r aelodau) lwyddiannau amrywiol y rhaglen, gan gynnwys y defnydd ohoni’n rhyngwladol a sut mai hon yw'r unig raglen o'i math a ddarperir yn Gymraeg.


Cafodd yr aelodau eu synnu hefyd gan yr effaith a gafodd y rhaglen ar ddefnyddwyr Cymraeg Iaith Gyntaf, gyda'r astudiaeth achos yn cael ei nodi fel enghraifft wych o'r gwaith rhagorol ac ymroddedig. Cafodd yr aelodau eu tristáu o glywed na chyhoeddwyd cyllid tymor hir penodol ar adeg y cyflwyniad i'r Grŵp. Mae ailstrwythuro presennol Gweithrediaeth y GIG a dyfodol Grŵp Gweithredu Cymru Gyfan ar Ddiabetes (sy'n ariannu'r rhaglen ar hyn o bryd) yn dal yn aneglur o ran sut y bydd y rhaglen yn cael cyllid yn y dyfodol.



·         Presentation from Claire Baker, Cardiff and Vale UHB on SEREN Programme.

·         Presenting with her is

·         Yvonne Davies-

·         Dr Nirupa D'Souza,

·         Dr Rebekah Pryce


Nia Elias, mother of Gruff Pugh joined us virtually. She shared her experiences in Welsh; simultaneous interpretation was arranged for those who are not fluent in Welsh.


The presentation (which will be shared to members) noted the various successes of the programme, including its use internationally and how this is the only programme of its kind delivered in Welsh.


Members were also surprised by the impact the programme had on First Language Welsh users, with the case study being noted as a prime example of the excellent and dedicated work. Members were saddened to learn that dedicated long-term funding was not announced at the time of the presentation to the CPG. The current restructure of the NHS Executive and the future of the All Wales Diabetes Implementation Group (which currently funds the programme) is still unclear as to how the programme will receive future funding.



4.      C&A | Q&A (10 mun)


·         Cwestiynau am y cyflwyniad.


Gofynnodd yr aelodau am fanteision ariannol y rhaglen. Nodwyd y byddai elfen ataliol y rhaglen drwy gefnogi pobl ifanc gyda'u diagnosis a dod i delerau ag ef yn well, yn lleihau derbyniadau i'r ysbyty a chymhlethdodau gyda'u diabetes.


Nodwyd ymhellach bod angen cysylltu gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl gyda'i gilydd i sicrhau bod plant ac oedolion ifanc yn cael y gofal yr oedd ei angen arnynt.


Gofynnodd yr aelodau beth fyddai'r effaith pe na bai'r rhaglen yn parhau. Heblaw am yr hyn a grybwyllwyd eisoes, mae technolegau newydd a dealltwriaeth o ddiabetes yn parhau i ddatblygu. Byddai deunyddiau'r rhaglen yn dyddio'n eithaf cyflym heb unrhyw fodd i hwyluso cymorth pellach y tu hwnt i'r deunyddiau.


Gofynnodd yr aelodau i'r fam hefyd, sut roedd hi'n teimlo y gwnaeth y rhaglen ei chefnogi hi. Soniodd na fyddai ei mab yn gallu ymdopi cystal ag y gwnaeth heb y rhaglen. Roedd gallu derbyn cefnogaeth yn ei iaith gyntaf yn bwysig iawn iddyn nhw a rhoi'r gofod yr oedd ei angen arnyn nhw i ddysgu a chefnogi ei gilydd.


Yn dilyn y sesiwn holi ac ateb, argymhelliad y Cadeirydd oedd bod y Grŵp yn ysgrifennu at y Dirprwy Brif Swyddog Meddygol (ac anfon copi at y Gweinidog Iechyd) yn cefnogi'r rhaglen hon. Mae gwasanaethau o'r fath yn hanfodol i bobl sy'n byw gyda diabetes ac mae angen i ni sicrhau eu bod yn parhau. Bydd Joel James AS mewn cysylltiad â Jayne Bryant AS gyda'i argymhellion. 



·         Questions on the presentation.


Members asked about the financial benefits of the programme. It was noted that the preventative element of the programme by supporting young people with their diagnosis and better come to terms with it would reduce hospital admissions and complications with their diabetes.


It was further noted that mental health services needed to be linked together to ensure that children and young adults received the care that they needed.


Members asked what would the impact be if the programme didn’t continue. Other than what was already mentioned new technologies and understanding of diabetes are continuously developing. The materials of the programme would become out of date quite quickly with no means to facilitate further support beyond the materials.


Members also asked the mother, how she felt the programme had supported her. She noted that without the programme, her son wouldn’t be able to cope as well as he did. Being able to receive support in his first language was very important to them and granted them the space they needed to learn and support each other.


Following the Q&A it was the recommendation by the Chair will be that the CPG writes to the Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Cc in the Health Minister) supporting this programme. Such services are vital for people living with diabetes and we need to ensure that they continue. Joel James MS will be in touch with Jayne Bryant MS with his recommendations.  



5.      Cyflwyniad Diabetes UK Cymru |Diabetes UK Cymru Presentation  (20 mun)


·         Cyflwyniad gan Mathew Norman, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Diabetes UK Cymru, ar ganlyniadau diweddar yr Arolwg ‘Diabetes is Serious’.


Nodwyd y canlynol:

- Yn 2022, roedd dros hanner yr ymatebwyr yng Nghymru (55%) yn wynebu anawsterau wrth reoli eu diabetes.

- Ymatebwyr o'r ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig oedd fwyaf tebygol o brofi anawsterau, gan briodoli hyn i gostau byw cynyddol.

- Nodwyd mai diffyg cael gafael ar dimau gofal iechyd diabetes oedd yr achos mwyaf cyffredin dros anawsterau.

- Roedd tua 41.0% o'r ymatebwyr yn ei chael yn anodd gwneud apwyntiadau ar gyfer eu harchwiliadau diabetes.

- Roedd mwy na hanner (52.4%) y rhai sy'n ceisio cymorth emosiynol neu seicolegol yn wynebu anawsterau.

- Roedd pobl yn y cwintel mwyaf difreintiedig 30% yn fwy tebygol o fod heb gysylltiad â'u tîm gofal iechyd mewn dros flwyddyn, o'i gymharu â'r rhai yn y cwintel lleiaf difreintiedig.

- Dywedodd 1 o bob 8 o bobl yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig na fu cysylltiad â'u tîm gofal iechyd mewn dros flwyddyn.

- Yng Nghymru, cytunodd 85.0% o bobl â diabetes math 1 sy’n defnyddio technoleg ei fod wedi eu helpu i reoli eu cyflwr, gyda 75.4% yn nodi bod ei llesiant wedi gella.

- Ar ben hynny, dywedodd 60.0% o'r ymatebwyr fod technoleg diabetes yn hwyluso ymgynghoriadau rhwyddach o bell gyda'u tîm gofal iechyd.

- Ymhlith ymatebwyr yr arolwg, roedd 12.2% wedi cael llawdriniaeth ddewisol gyda'r GIG yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, ac roedd 29.4% yn teimlo ei bod yn fwy heriol rheoli eu diabetes wrth aros am lawdriniaeth.

- Yn ogystal, roedd 11.9% o ymatebwyr yr arolwg ar restr aros ar gyfer llawdriniaethau dewisol ar hyn o bryd, gyda 12.0% yn profi oedi oherwydd eu lefelau HbA1c.

- Dywedodd y rhai ar restrau aros eu bod yn troi at fesurau amrywiol ar gyfer rheoli diabetes, gan gynnwys ymweld â'u meddyg teulu (40%), ymweld ag adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys (17%), a thalu am ofal preifat (11%).

- Roedd 36% o'r ymatebwyr yn ystyried opsiynau preifat ar gyfer eu llawdriniaeth.


Noder: Mae'r canfyddiadau hyn yn seiliedig ar arolwg a gynhaliwyd yng Nghymru.


Yn dilyn y cyflwyniad nododd Mathew nad oes modd rhannu'r cyflwyniad ar hyn o bryd gan nad yw'r adroddiad wedi’i gyhoeddi eto. Pan fydd hynny wedi digwydd, bydd yn rhyddhau'r Cyflwyniad i aelodau'r Grŵp, yn ogystal â'r adroddiad. Yr amserlen gyfredol gan Diabetes UK yw 2 Mai. Bydd yr holl ddata hyn, yn ogystal â'r cyflwyniad gan Claire, yn rhan o ymchwiliad y Grŵp ac yn ymddangos yn ei adroddiad.


Croesawodd yr aelodau y cyflwyniad ac edrych ymlaen at y canlyniadau llawn. Yr hyn a oedd fwyaf calonogol oedd y cynnydd yn nifer y bobl sy'n byw gyda diabetes yng Nghymru sy’n defnyddio technolegau newydd yn ogystal â phryderon ac effaith rhestrau aros ar bobl sy'n byw gyda diabetes a oedd yn chwilio am lawdriniaeth.


·         Presentation from Mathew Norman, Deputy Director of Diabetes UK Cymru, on the recent results from the ‘Diabetes is Serious’ Survey.  


It was noted that:

- In 2022, over half of the respondents in Wales (55%) faced difficulties managing their diabetes.

- Respondents from the most deprived areas were more likely to experience difficulties, which they attributed to the rising cost of living.

- The lack of access to diabetes healthcare teams was identified as the most common cause of difficulties.

- Approximately 41.0% of respondents found it challenging to make appointments for their diabetes checkups.

- More than half (52.4%) of those seeking emotional or psychological support encountered difficulties.

- People in the most deprived quintile were 30% more likely to have had no contact with their healthcare team in over a year compared to those in the least deprived.

- 1 in 8 people in the most deprived areas reported no contact with their healthcare team in over a year.

- In Wales, 85.0% of people with type 1 diabetes using technology agreed it helped them manage their condition, with 75.4% reporting improved wellbeing.

- Furthermore, 60.0% of respondents stated that diabetes technology facilitated easier remote consultations with their healthcare team.

- Among survey respondents, 12.2% had undergone elective surgery with the NHS in the past two years, and 29.4% found it more challenging to manage their diabetes while awaiting surgery.

- Additionally, 11.9% of survey respondents were currently on a waiting list for elective surgery, with 12.0% experiencing delays due to their HbA1c levels.

- Those on waiting lists reported resorting to various measures for diabetes management, including visiting their GP (40%), visiting A&E (17%), and paying for private care (11%).

- 36% of respondents were considering private options for their surgery.


Note: These findings are based on a survey conducted in Wales.


Following the presentation Mathew noted that the presentation cannot be shared at this time as the report is yet to be published. Once so, he will release the Presentation to members of the CPG as well as the report. The current timeline from DUK is the 2nd of May. All of this data, as well as the presentation from Claire, will be part of the CPGs inquiry and will feature in its report.


Members welcomed the presentation and looked forward to the full results. What was most encouraging was the increased uptake of people living with diabetes in Wales utilising new technologies as well as the concerns and impact of waiting lists on people living with diabetes who were seeking surgery.


6.      UFA | AOB


·         Mae Ymchwiliad y Grŵp yn mynd rhagddo – croesewir argymhellion ar gyfer cyflwyniadau.


Nododd y cadeirydd ei bod yn bwysig arddangos y gwaith gwych ym maes gofal diabetes yng Nghymru yn ogystal â'r angen i sicrhau lefel uchel o wasanaeth i bobl sy'n byw gyda diabetes. A gofynnodd i'r aelodau gyfrannu at yr ymchwiliad drwy gysylltu â Mathew Norman.


·         Wythnos Atal Diabetes 22 – 27 Mai. Disgwylir datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Eluned Morgan AS, ar y Datganiad Ansawdd ar gyfer Diabetes. Bydd Diabetes UK yn tynnu sylw at effaith y Datganiad a gobeithio, eitem i'w thrafod yn y Grŵp nesaf (ar y 28 Mehefin).

·         Dyddiad i’w nodi, Digwyddiad Diabetes y Byd yn y Senedd, gyda’r nos, 14 Tachwedd – i’w gadarnhau.


·         CPG Inquiry is ongoing – welcome recommendations for presentations and submissions.


The chair noted the importance of showcasing the great work in diabetes care in Wales as well as the need to ensure a high level of service for people living with diabetes. And asked members to contribute to the inquiry by contacting Mathew Norman.


·         Diabetes Prevention Week 22nd – 27th of May. Statement from the Minister of Health and Social Services Eluned Morgan MS is expected on the Quality Statement for Diabetes. DUK will be highlighting the impact of the Statement and hopefully, an item to discuss in the next CPG (on the 28th of June).

·         Save the Date, World Diabetes Senedd Event, Evening of November 14th – TBC.



7.      Cloi |Close


·         Dyddiadau'r cyfarfodydd nesaf yw:

o   28 Mehefin 2023 Ystafell Gynadledda C a D, Llawr 1af, Tŷ Hywel (Hybrid).

o   27 Medi 2023 – Ystafell Gynadledda C, Llawr 1af, Tŷ Hywel (Hybrid)


·         Ewch ag unrhyw fwyd dros ben gyda chi i'ch swyddfa / gartref

·         Next meeting dates are:

o   28th of June 2023 Conference Room C & D, 1st Floor, Ty Hywel (Hybrid).

o   27th of September 2023 – Conference Room C, 1st Floor, Ty Hywel (Hybrid)

·         Take any left-over food back with you to office/home